Floating Support
Equal People believes people with learning disabilities have the right to make the decisions about their own lives.
Equal People believes people with learning disabilities and their families and carers have the right to choose how they want to be supported.
Equal People believes people with learning disabilities have the same rights as other people in Kensington & Chelsea:
The right to work
The right to have sexual relationships and children
The right to take part in community life
The right to be safe from harassment and abuse
Equal People supports people with learning disabilities to:
Find out about the opportunities we have
Choose what we want to do
Plan how to make it happen.
Provide us with the information and support that we need to make it happen
Equal People staff support people with learning disabilities to:
Speak and be heard
Learn new skills
Try out new experiences
Understand responsibilities
Gain confidence
Be a valued member of society and fully involved in community life